Excitement on Sunday...
"At 1448 staff at the East Anglian Railway Museum, at Chapel & Wakes Colne, had used the Ground Frame telephone to report an incident on the museum line and that there maybe debris on Network Rail infrastructure. An emergency NRN message was sent to 2T17, EB, 1440 Sudbury – Marks Tey, after stopping the driver was contacted by the signaller at London Liverpool Street IECC and cautioned forward to examine the line. Network Rail Operations Staff attended. The driver of 2T17 reported that a train on the museum line had crashed through the buffer stops at the Marks Tey end of their line, and became derailed. However, there was no involvement of Network Rail infrastructure other than the large amount of spectators crowding around the incident. It was arranged for Network Rail staff to remain on site for safety reasons and to ensure that rerailing operations did not foul Network Rail infrastructure. Rerailing was completed at 2154 and cautioning ceased."
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