Telegrammed by our man at 222 Marylebone Road
Tell me Holmes, what are your latest deductions in the continuing strange Case of the Zombie Train?
Watson, it is crystal clear that if her Britannic Majesty's Government has had to defer by two years the procurement of the two aircraft carriers essential to the defence of the realm, costing £2billion each, because of the financial crisis, spending more than the cost of a carrier on the premature replacement of perfectly adequate trains with something eye-wateringly expensive and more complex than even the mind of Moriarty could devise is equally unaffordable.
Nor would an announcement that Her Majesty's Government was intending to prime our faltering economy by putting £2.5 billion of new trains into Japanese factories be received with approbation by the populus
From which I deduce that we may hear before noon today that a decision on a preferred bidder has been deferred.
Amazing Holmes!
We Buy Any Bus Dot Com
3 weeks ago