When faced with difficult questions the Department for Transport prefers others to do their dirty work.
Latest to come to DafT's rescue is ATOC.
This written answer emerged from Marsham Street on Monday 19th January...
Bob Spink (Castle Point, UKIP) Hansard source
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what recent increase in rail fares has been announced by each train operating company.
Paul Clark (Parliamentary Under-Secretary, Department for Transport; Gillingham, Labour) The Association of Train Operating Companies issued a press release citing the average fares rises for January 2009. This was published in November 2008 and is available from their website.
Indeed it is - here.
And yes it does include a list of TOCs and their January fares increases.
But what's this?
The list is incomplete!
Where are the entries for the three open access operators?
Could ATOC's deliberate omission of Hull Trains, Grand Central and Shropshire & Wrexham have anything to do with their embarrasing decision not to increase fares?
UPDATE: Tom over at Blairwatch writes...
It's simple, you're confusing 'Train Operating Companies' with 'Companies that Operate Trains'. Do try to keep up, old chap.
Let us hope that the Honourable Member for Castle Point isn't as easily confused!
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