This from DfT...
The Department for Transport held its second annual Listening to Industry Day on Thursday 22 January.
The purpose of the event was for industry to input to our new approach to development of freight policy, including helping us prioritise future policy and investment decisions.
Jim Fitzpatrick, Minister for Freight and Logistics, said:
“Our focus and our approach is now more on the movement of different freight commodities, than on freight modes.
"That is why I arranged this event, because I want to make sure that the needs and impacts of freight are considered in the Department’s investment, regulatory and policy decisions for the future.”
A source close to DB Schenker said: "I am happy to say we currently have lots of new orders - which must be obeyed without question!".
UPDATE: The Major asks...
If this is their second annual "listening to industry day" what do DafT do for the other 364?
What indeed.
We Buy Any Bus Dot Com
3 weeks ago