Has Rail editor, Nigel Harris, been got at?
Famous for having described the IEP as the Camel Class and roundly condemning it, the great man has now sprung to its defence, both in print and on-line.
"My sources insist that IEP could work as I’ve outlined." says Nigel.
As the only possible 'source' for such a view is Marsham Street there are fears that Nigel's been bewitched by the Prince of Daftness!
UPDATE: Nigel Harris writes...
Now then, now then, now then FC, please read what I’ve said – not what you think I‘ve said!
Please note liberal use of words like ‘could; and ‘if’ - my Comment piece is full of qualifications. Circumstances have changed – so I’ve potentially changed my view, which is what a sensible man does, surely?
As it stood, IEP was indeed the wrong answer to the wrong question...but in the context of coupling IEP with GW electrification, then it’s a different question and therefore potentially different answer.
But only, I stressed, IF THE TRAIN WORKS!
Contrary to your mischievous implication, I have not gone over to the dark side. My buckle will continue to swash, so fear not.
With best wishes to your illustrious online organ.
We Buy Any Bus Dot Com
3 weeks ago