The Fact Compiler has received a missive from Nigel Harris over at Rail (and stalwart of the Great Central).
Nigel writes...
Take a look at my blog today and look at the link to Snowdrift at Bleath Gill.
Where did this spirit go?
These men would have sneered in contempt (and rightly so) at the pathetic way in which four inches of snow stops us today, while they battled 40mph winds to clear 14 feet drifts.
If you'd have told these men that we would one day close thousands of schools because of what they would have regarded as a light dusting of snow, they'd have been dumbfounded. How poorly we honour their memory.
Should your organ feel inclined to point your readers my blog's way, then do feel free.....some IEP gossip there too.
Happy to do so Nigel. And Railway Eye looks forward to a link or two back...
Meanwhile this from You Tube to show how we used to do it.
View it and weep!
We Buy Any Bus Dot Com
3 weeks ago