Even the Mail is frothing at the mouth over HS2.
This from highly respected transport correspondent Ray Massay...
Plans for a new high speed train service between London and the North - with double-decker trains travelling at 225 mph - are set to get a boost from the Government and the Conservative opposition.
Double decker trains! Where did those suddenly emerge from?
Transport Minister Lord Adonis will voice Government support for the idea of the new line to link the capital to the North of England and Scotland when he speaks tomorrow at a conference promoting the scheme.
Hold on... voice Government support... that's not exactly a ringing endorsement.
Sir David, a former Permanent Secretary at the Department for Transport, said that the line would allow tens of thousands of homes for long-distance commuters to be built between London and Birmingham.
Ah ha! Hypothocation floated as a means of funding the project as the Government won't.
On the vexed issue of financing the scheme in the depths of a recession, Sir David said: 'It’s a huge challenge but I believe it will eventually happen because the railway is full.'
Still no Government commitment to fund and not even an indication when the line may open, but there's no rush because it will "eventually happen".
No commitments, no numbers, not even a firm route!
So it's pure spin!
Ray - shame on you for swallowing this tosh.
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