Okay My Lord Adonis - how precisely will the exciting new gates that your Department is so keen to foist upon the network increase security and reduce fare evasion?
This from the RMT:
SWT "finally let slip to RMT reps that it intends to axe nearly 200 revenue-protection staff – double the number previously admitted."
As ticket barriers need staff to monitor them (for safety reasons) the relentless reduction in TOC platform and revenue protection staff will inevitably result in newly installed gates being left open at more and more locations.
As The Eye previously pointed out, this is already the case at Waterloo mere weeks after their introduction.
So for DafT to continue promoting their installation across the network, at the same time as TOCs reduce headcount, is at best foolish and at worst a criminal waste of money.
Care to suggest which it is My Lord?
We Buy Any Bus Dot Com
3 weeks ago