Passenger Focus goes from strength to strength if this story from the BBC is anything to go by.
Geoff Hoon has suggested (that)... Passenger Focus will be the advocate for air passengers' interests - it currently does so for bus and rail.
This of course means one of two things.
Either Passenger Focus has proven a doughty defender of rail passengers and is fearless at holding the rail industry and Department for Transport to account.
Or its a toothless old windbag that ministers can happily ignore.
The Fact Compiler can't imagine which is closer to Geoff Hoon's view.
UPDATE: This from The City Insider...
Out of curiosity I went to the DafT website to read the “consultation” paper on this.
And I happened to notice who manages DafT’s publications for them (see page 2).
Why it’s none other than Nu Labour’s favourite outsourcing companies, our old friends Crapita!
We Buy Any Bus Dot Com
3 weeks ago