MIRA staged a full-scale rail collision to showcase opportunities for technology transfer between road and rail.
With a bowler tip to the Railway Gazette...
Is it just the Fact Compiler or does one of those dummies look like it's soiled itself?
UPDATE: This just in from PJ over at Network Rail...
When I arranged the much more exciting Top Gear crash a few years ago we wanted dummies in the car.
Unfortunately, the Top Gear team deemed it 'tasteless'.
I have to say this was a high point in my career - out done by Clarkson on grounds of taste...
UPDATE: Captain Deltic groans....
Oh no! not again!
With their own industry going down the Swanee MIRA think they can bring enlightenment to the backward railways.
Crashworthiness standards for train interiors have been around for years.
Time for RSSB to do something really useful.
Give then a copy of Ian Walmsley's article on train interiors and tell the petrolheads to go and peddle their wares elsewhere.
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3 weeks ago