An extra-ordinary puff piece on Richard Bowker in tonight's Evening Standard.
Chris Blackhurst begins:
"There are some people I'd fancy my chances at poker with. Richard Bowker isn't one of them. The boss of National Express is in the midst of a crisis but he doesn't show it."
And so it continues, interminably, until the final icky making paragraph:
Hard to imagine now, but on the day National Express won the franchise, his wife was giving birth to their second child. They were so thrilled that they discussed calling him Waverley, after the Edinburgh station. Young Charlie Bowker at least can give thanks that better sense prevailed.
Nice of Bowker to drag his own family into the media spotlight. Of course we should be grateful for small mercies. Bowker, a friend of the Blairs, managed to avoid emulating Cherie and going for a full 'Balmoral disclosure'.
No matter.
So why did Bowker decide to bare his soul to the relaunched, good news, London Evening Standard.
Obviously any connection with the current search for a London Underground managing director is entirely co-incidental.
UPDATE: This just in from Charles Yerkes...
Interesting. Applications for the MD's role have to be in by the 22nd of this month.
And of course Bowker started his railway career at the Underground.
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