Oh dear. All is not well at Bernard Street
This from ATOC...
The ATOC Board has announced that it has accepted the resignation of its Chairman, Mike Alexander.
Mike, who joined the Association in March 2008 has led the re-structuring of ATOC over the last year and has helped Michael Roberts, the Chief Executive, become established in his role.
Will the last one out the door please turn off the lights
UPDATE: Industry sources advise that Alexander's departure was both "sudden and unexpected".
Of course had ATOC not announced it would anyone have noticed?
UPDATE: This from 'Marsham Street Insider'...
This shouldn't have been a surprise.
Those with long memories will recall the displeasure of Lord Adonis at Alexander's less than enthusiastic response to his electrification proposals.
And only last week the noble Lord told the Transport Times conference that he'd tried working with ATOC when rail minister and "found that was absolutely useless", because one ended up dragged down to the "lowest common denominator".
First blood to Lord Adonis.
UPDATE: TOC sources suggesting Alexander was subject to a vote of no confidence by the ATOC Board.
Eye sought clarification from ATOC but no one was available for comment.
UPDATE: This from The Master...
One also shouldn't forget the look on Adonis' face when Alexander stood up to flannel the Minister and defend the All Line Rail Rover price increase at the recent National Rail Conference. He effectively passed the buck back to minions.
The late great Gwyneth Dunwoody would have been envious of the basilisk stare Adonis bestowed on the hapless Alexander.
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