Good news from 'Crow Bar' Bob and the RMT:
RMT GENERAL secretary Bob Crow will be joined by Alabama 3, Aleida Guevara (Che Guevara’s daughter), Labour movement legend Tony Benn and a host of other... (windbags? Ed) this Wednesday evening for the 7th Annual RMT Cuba Garden Party which this year will mark the 50th anniversary of the Cuban revolution.
And what a celebration it will be.
Just look at what 50 years of communist dictatorship have achieved on Cuba's railways.
Note the high level of crashworthiness and train crew protection afforded to RMT's brothers and sisters in Fidel's island paradise.
Presumably Bob and co will take the opportunity to speak out about this scandal at Wednesday's do?
Nah, thought not.
UPDATE: This from the Velopodist...
The RMT of course won't be raising any issues about Cuba's problems because, like so many of my less imaginative fellows on the left of the political spectrum, they attribute them all to the US economic embargo.
It's kind of a back-handed compliment to the robust health of capitalism when you think about it, isn't it?
But the thing that really stinks about their event is the presence of a real-life Cuban citizen who has, presumably, travelled to London specially for the event.
You can tell she's a member of the country's elite because they let her leave.
Her less fortunate counterparts are so desperate that they'll use any leaky raft to try to get to the United States, whose supposedly inferior system Ms Guevara will presumably be roundly criticising.
UPDATE: This from Graveshafter...
Crashworthiness and traincrew protection?
At least that Cuban rustbucket doesn't carry passengers.Unlike Pacers.
Where are RMT with these a mere ten years after the event?
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