Telegrammed by Leo Pink
I spit on Lord Tee Hee's 75 min late.
When DB fahrt gegen Engeland (in the form of DB Schenker) has just one train failure it shuts down the entire railway for hours and hours and hours.
Yesterday's 02.30 from Birch Coppice to Ipswich failed closing most of the West Coast main line for half the day until it was finally hauled into Bletchley Yard at 13.53.
But restoring national pride, Network Rail then demonstrated its new HIPS (Highly Interruptible Power Supply) at the Bletchley control centre.
This shut down the WCML for the rest of the afternoon.
Virgin's PPM for the day was 21.8%.
Still ORR should have received the NR recovery plan for WCML performance by close of play today, so that's all right then.
We Buy Any Bus Dot Com
3 weeks ago