The Eye has been pretty hard on Network Rail in recent months over its Railway Gardens.
And just to show that NR is not alone in facing a problem with vegetation control (shurely neglecting to kill weeds, Ed) here is a picture of DB Schenker managed infrastructure at Northampton.
The Eye wonders if this sort of neglect would be tolerated on DB's home patch?
Perhaps readers visiting the Reich this summer could advise?
UPDATE: This from 'Alias Interail'...
Further to your comment about railway gardens in the Fatherland, here’s a shot (taken from a level crossing) of a typical freight loading facility at Walldorf, near Meiningen in the former DDR, last autumn.
As you can see, DB’s drive for ‘efficiency’ in the run-up to privatisation means that weed clearance is taken just as seriously there as it is here...
The Fact Compiler stands corrected.
If DB can't manage vegetation at home what hope in this Sceptered Isle?
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