Via Twitter...
I have written to George Osbourne today asking him to confirm the Tories are committed to £1 bil spending/annum for concessionary fares
How much?!?
What are the passes made of - solid gold?
UPDATE: This from the Commuter...
I hope the Tories don't commit to spending £1bn on Concessionary fares.
Why should an OAP with no mortgage and thousands in savings be permitted to travel for free on buses and trains in certain areas whilst others are paying through the nose?
The actual cost of it is much higher, elsewhere across the country, underfunded councils are having to cut money from services such as parks and transport in order to fund this extravagance.
What a waste of money.
This was, presumably, a Party Political Broadcast from the non-Dave-aligned Conservative Party!
We Buy Any Bus Dot Com
3 weeks ago