Remind me, when did we agree to surrender our lives to these self appointed Puritan kill-joys?
This from the BBC...
There should be a ban on all alcohol advertising, including sports and music sponsorship, doctors say.
Has anyone read the Flying Inn?
Sod the lot of 'em - I'm off for a drink and a fag!
UPDATE: Several Benny-Hedgehogs later...
A bowler tip to Old Holborn for this...
The lead author of this report is one Professor Gerard Hastings, who is not qualified to practise medicine but who does have a PhD in Social Marketing from the University of Strathclyde. He is a member of fake charity Alcohol Focus Scotland, and he is well-versed in the tactics of neo-prohibitionism from his time working for the Cancer Research UK Centre for Tobacco Control Research.
Do any of these quango-monkeys add one jot of value to anything they touch?
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