Wise words from Network Rail...
Network Rail’s chief executive Iain Coucher said: “Passengers would see enormous benefits from further electrification with faster, quieter, smoother, greener journeys.
"The case for the Midland Main Line is extremely strong. Affordability and bringing down the cost of such projects are key if they're to get the green-light."
Of course were the Midland Main Line to be electrified sooner rather than later the IEP might even start to make sense...
UPDATE: This just in from Chris Milner via Faceache...
Nice to see the dunces at the back of the class have finally woken up.
Add Sheffield to Doncaster and Derby to Proof house jct and you have a decent electrified network.
UPDATE: This just in from Peter Mark Roget...
Sir - Can I point out that the conjunction of 'IEP' and 'Making sense' is an oxymoron
UPDATE: This just in from the Raver...
So the government says it wants two lines to be electrified but rules out Sheffield for the time being as too expensive, then Network rail presses for it, claiming the idea for the first two was all its own, when, in fact, John Armitt was adamantly opposed to electrification of the Great Western, using environmental arguments as well as cost.
NR seems to have a way of winding up the government which does not bode well for its long term future.
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