The Fact Compiler doesn't know whether to commend Coucher for thriftiness or bang my head against the wall in despair.
This from Her Majesty's Daily Telegraph...
'Trains are too expensive, use coaches instead', rail head tells staff
Yes but no but yes but no but yes but no
UPDATE: This from our man at 222 Marylebone Road...
Did not Mr Coucher consider chartering a train and waving the access charges?
Silly me - there's no spare rolling stock.
UPDATE: This from Albert Kettle...
Why not charter Tornado and a rake of Mk 2 stock?
UPDATE: This from Nigel Harris over at RAIL...
This is just what I’ve been warning about in my last couple of editorials!
UPDATE: This from NR's Internet Rapid Rebuttal Unit...
The full statement I gave to the press says:
"Network Rail makes no apologies for getting best value for the British people. Whilst we have no role in setting train fares, we use rail for the overwhelming number of business journeys. Occasionally, if there is a cheaper alternative we will use that.".
We don't get free travel, we pay our own way.
Those Network Rail employees who were there in BR days still obviously have protected travel - but this cannot be used for business trips.
It's not a PR disaster (well certainly not for Network Rail. Ed) to show we are making efficiencies and to point out the basic fact that sometimes rail is not always the most cost-effective option.
I wish it always was.
But rest assured I practice what I preach as regular Eye readers will recall.
UPDATE: This from Captain Deltic...
I can indeed confirm that there are no gold passes at Network Rail and that Iain Coucher is a thrifty traveller.
The last time we met his first class ticket had cost about the same as the return half of my Standard Class super duper saver!
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