More splendid news from the deeply flawed St Ives Guided Bust-way!
This courtesy of Cambs24:
CAMBRIDGESHIRE County Council has confirmed a further delay in opening the St Ives-Cambridge guided bus link, which should have opened last April.
The likelihood of the troubled scheme's opening, even partially, this side of 2010 is practically zero.
Regular Eye readers will recall that the misguided busway, built on the route of the mothballed line from Cambridge to St Ives, has already exceeded its £116.7m budget.
Bus mad Cambridgeshire County Council has, of course, only itself to blame.
The county council decided to ignore local campaigners who had suggested that the mothballed railway could have been reopened for a mere £50m, and in far less time than it has taken contractor, BAM Nuttall, not to deliver the guided busway.
One piece of good news though.
Cambridgeshire County Council was recently named Transport Authority of the Year... at the UK Bus Awards.
Trebles all round and no shit Sherlock.
We Buy Any Bus Dot Com
3 weeks ago