Priorities for investment in the railways - 11 Nov 09 (3)
On Wednesday 11 November 2009 at 3.45pm in Committee Room 8, Palace of Westminster, House of Commons, the Committee will hold an evidence session on Priorities for investment in the railways. The following will give evidence:
Time Witnesses
3.45 pm - Eurostar, Deutsche Bahn, Greengauge 21
4.15 pm - Association of Train Operating Companies, Virgin Group, National Express
5.15 pm - Network Rail
These timings are approximate and the sessions may start slightly earlier or later than advertised.
UPDATE: This from J Alfred Prufrock...
Of all those appearing before the Transport Committee only Network Rail actually invests any money in the railway and that all comes from the taxpayer.
Bah, humbug.
UPDATE: This from Network Rail's Internet Rapidish Rebuttal Unit...
J Alfred Prufrock really should know better.
His assertion that the money Network Rail invests "all comes from the taxpayer" will come as news to train operators whose track access charges paid to us help fund the railway.
Also the £300m a year contribution from our commercial property division is not to be sniffed at either.
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3 weeks ago