Eye hears that DB Regio has managed to coax Richard McClean into becoming Managing Director of its new Nexus operating concession.
Stalwart of the intercity East Coast franchise, in many of its several guises, Richard's latest role was as nationalised East Coast's IEP Project Director.
Perhaps no surprise, therefore, that he has opted for a job with a future.
UPDATE: This from our man at 222 Marylebone Road...
It is arguable that after wasting (oops, investing) £21 million on consultants for IEP, the second most scandalous feature of the new train was the appointment of one of our few remaining experienced project engineers/managers to such a non job.
UPDATE: This from Ibilola...
The Northern Echo ran the following story on Thursday:
A DECISION over whether the North-East will be the location for a train assembly plant – creating hundreds of jobs – has yet to be made, nearly a year after the original announcement.
Is there anyone who still believes that an order for IEP will ever be placed?
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