More exciting news on the proposed East Coast "Eureka" timetable.
Regular readers will recollect that the new SLC2 timetable has provoked howls of indignation from other operators on the route, whose passengers will suffer extended journey times and piss-poor connections so that nationalised operator East Coast can get the timetable Lord Adonis wants.
But never let it be said that the Department doesn't listen to rail users.
DafT has instructed East Coast to undertake the consultation on the proposed timetable for the whole industry - a move, which in the words of one peeved operator, is akin to "giving your squiffy uncle the keys to the drinks cabinet".
No matter.
Obviously entrusting such a task to Passenger Focus, the body which has a statutory responsibility to represent all rail users, is just too risky.
After all they might come up with the wrong answer.
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3 weeks ago