This just in from Ol' Rosbiff - flexing his bowstring finger (and showing that he still has one).
In an attempt to revisit their takeover bid from 1056 years ago, the French Government is supporting SNCF in their pursuit of Arriva.
Meanwhile German rivals DB are dusting off more recent plans to show how railways should be run efficiently for the next 1000 years...
It's a close call between the two.
Of course our German friends are past masters at efficiently moving vast numbers of people in the most trying of circumstances.
But given the ORR's demand that the UK rail asset register is up to scratch perhaps the Old Enemy has the better claim - offering clear proof in the Domesday Book of how do the job very thoroughly (although regrettably they didn't list stations in the 1067 edition).
Either way the brothers must be celebrating.
What with a return to state ownership in the offing.
UPDATE: This from Herr Flickering Tail-Lamp...
Does that mean that DB is no longer interested in Go-Ahead?
UPDATE: This from Lazarus...
My pre-conquest history isn't that great but what actually happened in 954 AD (1056 years ago)?
Also, any fule kno the Doomsday Book came out in 1086. The 1067 version must have been a very early draft.
Perhaps it took 19 years to translate? Eye stands corrected. (Ol' Rosbiff you're fired. Ed)
UPDATE: This from a slightly over cooked Ol' Rosbiff...
I was at uni with the DfT team which worked on recent aborted new carriage procurements - so I must have picked up some bad habits in my maths calculations....
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