Halifax MP, Linda Riordan, has sponsored the following Early Day Motion:
"That this House views with deep concern the decision of Network Rail Board to pay senior management a total of £2.4m in bonuses for 2009/10; notes that Network Rail is heavily reliant on taxpayer funding; further notes that the decision was reported in a week when everyone was asked by the Government to share the burden of reducing Britain's deficit; considers such payments as being unjustified and inappropriate and calls on the public members of Network Rail to vote against such bonus payments at the impending Network Rail AGM."
Sadly if Coucher and co wouldn't listen to the ORR or the Secretary of State for Transport then Eye doesn't hold out much hope for this succeeding.
After all NR's Public Members are famed for their ability to hold the 'private' company to account.
On the plus side - at least it affords a further opportunity for MP's to show their utter contempt for NR's money-grubbing directors
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