The Fact Compiler shared the fury over troughing MPs in the last Parliament.
Stung into action by the near universal opprobrium being heaped upon them, MPs passed a measure in haste creating the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA).
The new body was set up to oversee the allowances paid to MPs and the salaries of the staff they employed.
As with so many measures enacted in haste by the last Parliament there is now plenty of time to repent at leisure.
And MPs are not happy with the new system.
Of course many will say that MPs had it coming, whilst others are pleased that MPs now finally realise that the legion of new laws which they so joyously enacted are now buggering-up their own lives not just ours.
No matter.
IPSA is now preventing MPs from serving their constituents and this is bad for both democracy and democratic accountability.
As one Westminster insider put it "IPSA makes NR's Members look useful".
In an attempt to explain the new MP's expenses scheme Tom Harris, Co-Chair of the APPRG, has provided the following helpful video on his blog.
For full details of the disaster that is IPSA and why we should all be concerned read more here.
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