Eye has stumbled across the following Early Day Motion in support of continued capital investment in the railway.
That this House recognises that Britain relies on rail transport; notes that every year 1.3 billion passenger journeys are made by rail and that rail freight carries 100 million tonnes of goods; further recognises that at peak times the busiest parts of the rail network are full, trains are overcrowded and that passenger and freight demand continue to grow; notes that the annual cost of road congestion to the economy is already estimated to be £7-8 billion; believes that investment in infrastructure is necessary to stimulate business investment in Britain's towns and cities and boost economic recovery; further recognises that current major rail capacity enhancement projects bring economic benefits to Britain; and calls on the Government to consider the economic benefits of rail schemes when determining value for money projects in the Comprehensive Spending Review.
You can find the EDM here as well as the list of the 91 MPs that have signed it thus far (as at today).
Eye readers whose MPs are missing from the list may wish to give them a gentle nudge...
We Buy Any Bus Dot Com
3 weeks ago