This from the Wicked Weaver...
I wonder if I might share with Eye readers these photographs of the new platform 3 at Chesterfield station.
Observe the miles upon miles of Coucher Memorial Fencing here...
...and here...
The new platform also hosts some exciting new features - perhaps some of your readers can guess what this one is for?
A Zimmer frame bolted to the ground? Obviously the safest way for the infirm to negotiate highly dangerous stations in these safety conscious times.
Of course the piece de resistance is the dedicated fire escape from the end of platform 3 that runs almost the length of the new structure, just in case all that metal, glass and tarmac suddenly bursts into flame...
In these straightened times it is good to see that no expense has been spared to protect the passenger.
Perhaps the only disappointment is that despite the vast expense it's still not in use yet.
UPDATE: This from Geo.Stephenson (Retd), Clay Cross
I fear I must point out, Sir, if no more immediate source has done so yet, that there are reports this new Passenger Wharf was used on 29th July to accommodate trains after a passenger was taken ill and the train he was travelling on detained in platform 2 awaiting paramedics.
Yours, laying tracks faster than the gricers can grice!
UPDATE: This from Chionanthus virginicus...
..and it's only been constructed for use during engineering works !!!
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