Much excitement in Westminster this weekend following the news that Eddie the Eagle's sister has been appointed Shadow Transport Secretary.
Eddie, who was sadly unavailable for comment, said "My sister knows shedloads about transport, she even caught a bus once".
Maria Von Trapp is also famous for having a twin sister not called Maria and playing chess (according to an uncorroborated citation on Wikipedia) .
In slightly less depressing news the following also received junior shadow transport posts:
Jim Fitzpatrick MP
Andrew Gwynne MP
John Woodcock MP
Jim Fitzpatrick has some good indepth knowledge of Crossrail. Andrew Gwynne appears vaguely pro-railway and John Woodcock is MP for Furness... errr... where they once built locos and stuff a long time ago (will this do?).
Eye fears that any debate on transport cuts following the announcement of the CSR will be a pretty one-sided affair.
UPDATE: This from Steve Strong...
Aren't you missing something much more important about the Shadow ministerial appointments?
It seems that Tom Harris' blog has been saved for the nation!
UPDATE: Eye has been taken to task by both @BorisWatch and @TransportB...
Apparently it is official: Maria Sharapova likes chess, it says so here and here.
Perhaps more importantly, for the railway, Ms Eagle also says:
"I don't think you can do a proper operational ministerial job, which is about providing a function of the state, without going and having a proper look"
So. Farewell Lord Adonis! But your Pilgrimage of Grice lives on!
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