Professor Unwin compliments Evoli Rail Systems for this splendid example of CSRballs...
The last par in particular is a delight.
Evolvi Rail Systems comment on rail pricing formula changes announced in the Comprehensive Spending Review:
"The change in the rail formula will in time lead to potentially significant fare increases for business travellers, particularly for 'walk-up' tickets," says Jon Reeve, Trade Relations Director at Evolvi, the online rail booking and fulfilment company specialising in business travel.
"This will likely prompt more companies to consolidate their rail bookings within a managed travel policy compliant purchasing environment - in this way they will be able to optimise available budgets through advance purchase, expense monitoring and seamless P2P processes. Organisations will certainly need to leverage the technical innovation brought to market by tools like Evolvi to assist their procurement of rail travel in order to mitigate as far as possible the future increases."
Sadly even the good Prof couldn't translate this cobblers. Deep woe!
UPDATE: This from Sinoda...
Lovely to see that our old friend Sir Humphrey Applebold is writey press releasey for the Evolvi.
Oh, happy day!
UPDATE: This from Wonky Tom...
I *think* it means something like walk-up tickets will get more expensive, so business passengers will switch to advance tickets. However, these are so complex (unlike the release) that they will have to use our product to get the best deals"
It's either that or something about the pen of my aunt.
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