This from a Dr Frank N Furter...
According to the self styled 'leading transport commentator' in his blogpost dated 1st November:
'There are, apparently, three people on the short list to replace Iain Coucher as chief executive of Network Rail'.
But Network Rail announced that David Higgins had been appointed as Mr Coucher's replacement on the 28th September.
Perhaps all that historical research is confusing the railway's very own Grand Old Man of Letters?
Or is the excitement of the Democrats imminent election meltdown getting to Comrade Wolmar, who at this very moment is in the good old US of A researching his latest opus.
Surely he meant to write 'there were'?
Let's do the time warp again.
UPDATE: This from The Major...
Never mind the mitherings over the timings of Christian's on-line version of his RAIL Magazine column.
What on earth is he doing in the First Class lounge at Newark Airport stuffing himself with free Virgin food and wine? Is he planning to defect to the Tories?
Will he be trading his bicycle for a Bentley?
We Buy Any Bus Dot Com
3 weeks ago