Oh dear.
Does Eye detect a degree of Palace dissatisfaction with the operator of the Royal Train?
This from the Mail on Sunday...
The man dubbed Mr Royal Train after playing a key role in helping it to run smoothly for more than 30 years has been made redundant after a German company took over its maintenance.
Strange that this story should surface almost four months after Deutsche Reichsbahn disinvented Mr Hillyard, presumably without consulting Brenda?
No matter.
After all what is Balmoral to Berlin?
But just to be on the safe side perhaps DB shouldn't make a large order for Royal Warrant embossed stationery?
UPDATE: This from Our International Correspondent...
Just to put the Daily Mail’s “scoop” into context, as every PR fule noes, when investigating a leak, follow the money.
In this case a little bit of forensics leads us not to the Palace, or to any disinvented ex-Railcare people who miss 1X01, but to the publishers of a new book.
Its author, Brian Hoey, is represented by one Gordon Wise, whose website helpfully informs us that the film rights may be available.
Not so much a Daily Mail scoop, as an obliging puff piece to help sales.
We Buy Any Bus Dot Com
3 weeks ago