Telegrammed by Our Man at 222 Marylebone Road
This from the Sunday Express...
The other schemes being examined ahead of this week’s crunch decision include the electrification of several lines and a £7.5 billion order for Intercity Express trains under the Intercity Express Programme (IEP). Provisional bidder for the order is Agility Trains, a consortium led by Japan’s Hitachi.
IEP, potentially the most significant rolling stock investment programme in the UK for more than 30 years, will provide a new generation of trains to serve Britain’s long-distance routes.
The provisional requirement is for between 500 and 2,000 vehicles for the East Coast Main Line.
The Agility consortium is under pressure to cut the costs of its bid, with ministers using the threat of alternative options to extract a better deal. The alternatives include “re-engineering” the existing Intercity 125 trains or buying cheaper electric trains.
2,000 vehicles for the ECML?
Not so much Rail Barbie as Hail Barbie if she can pull this off!
Meanwhile the DfT spin meisters are still peddling the line that buying the wrong train for the wrong services at the wrong time is a shrewd move if it is cheap enough.
We Buy Any Bus Dot Com
3 weeks ago