This from the Windsorian...
I see that a Stop HS2 2011 National Convention has been called for 19th February at Stoneleigh Park in Warwickshire.
Apparently the opening speaker is none other than... Christian Wolmar - the World's Greatest Living Transport Correspondent!
Eye fervently hopes that the Great Man can recover his bicycle in time to attend this important event.
Perhaps readers can help?
Apparently it was last seen on Mount Kilimanjaro, further updates would be appreciated...
UPDATE: This also from the Windsorian...
Wolmar sets out his case against HS2...
No longer 'Two Bikes Wolmar' - now it's 'Two Mikes'!
On a more serious note, Wolmar asks legitimate questions about the case for HS2.
Anyone care to go head-to-head with Wolmar in a public debate?
Jim Steer? Or perhaps our very own Petrol-head...
UPDATE: This from The Water Baby...
May I please open a book on things Wolmar is most likely NOT to say in his address to the Stop HS2 mob?
How about:
'HS2 is palpably unnecessary because ETCS Level 3 has the potential to unlock hitherto unimaginable reams of spare capacity on the upgraded 21st Century WCML by providing "straight out of the box" moving block functionality...!?!'
UPDATE: This from a Julie Mills, at Greengauge 21...
Having seen your recent post on Christian Wolmar...
Jim Steer of Greengauge 21 would be more than happy to debate the case for HS2 with Christian and to explain why it is needed and how it does have a very good economic and environmental case.
Good effort! Wolmar do you accept the challenge?
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