Exciting news from the Lobby...
According to the Downing Street spokesman Petrol-head will be making an announcement on electrification today.
Eye wonders what that could be about, what with it being St David's day and all...
UPDATE: This courtesy of Dodds...
At approximately 4:15pm, the transport secretary, Philip Hammond will make a statement on the Intercity Express programme and rail electrification. [the statement will be repeated in the House of Lords].
UPDATE: This from Sir Humphrey Beeching...
I'm texting this from Wheeler's, which is a bit infra dig, and has earned me a supercilious sneer from the sommelier who has just poured a perfectly chilled pouilly fuisse to accompany... (get on with it! Ed)
My DfT mandarin guest has just remarked cryptically that at the SoS' four o'clock follies this afternoon we may learn that the IEP situation has developed 'not necessarily to Japan's advantage'.
UPDATE: This from Sir Mycroft Beeching...
I suspect that my younger brother texted his note after his third bottle of pouilly fuisse!
I have it on the highest authority that in Tokyo bottles of saki are being gently warmed at this very moment.
Truly a triumph of non-compliant bidding!
UPDATE: This from Marsham Street Watcher
Look forward to electrification to Cardiff - Hurrah!
And the IEP going ahead in both electric and bi-mode forms - Boo!
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