This from the Mad Hatter...
According to EMT...
In just six months, East Midlands Trains has fitted WiFi onto all of its 27 Meridian trains and 11 HSTs. This means that all passengers travelling from stations on the mainline route to London including Sheffield, Chesterfield, Derby, Nottingham, Leicester, Market Harborough, Corby, Kettering and Wellingborough can now fully benefit from this new service.
Wifi in 6 months!
So why has the mighty Deutsche Bahn proven unable to do the same?
With the failure of WSMR, the takeover of Evergreen 3 by NR and Arriva Trains Wales now a five day railway is DB all it's cracked up to be?
Rather than assembling bid teams perhaps DB should devote additional resources to solving its current problems?
UPDATE: This from Mr Tuppence Worth...
Good work from Stagecoach.
However, those of us not having the luxury (?) of travelling in first class have to pay high fees for this service.
You can’t use it free for a limited amount of time and can only view EMT propaganda without paying up.
Indeed, if using it on a regular basis it would make far better sense to invest in mobile broadband – and you can use that elsewhere too.
One small thing though: is it the MML or those Meridians which mean mobile signals are dire when you Get On Board with EMT?
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