This from a harrumphing Captain Deltic...
Is it too much to expect the correct use of hyphens and apostrophes by Network Rail press officers in this day and age?
This is not a pedantic moan (Oh yeah? Ed), but the missing punctuation makes the headline ambiguous
Is it the grave of a former-pauper - in which case, where is the apostrophe? (eg which ex British Rail manager turned privatisation fat cat has died and can he really be buried on a platform at Manchester Vic?).
Or is a former pauper's-grave which has become part of a station.
Or is it, even, a former paupers'-grave and was there a mass burial on the site of the station after some massacre of the lower classes?
Eye thinks we should be told!
UPDATE: This from NR's Internet Rapid Rebuttal Unit...
I have altered the headline on the website now - it should be less ambiguous.
Nothing wrong with being a pedant. A 'pedant' is what someone who is wrong calls someone who is right.
PS Who led the pedants' uprising? Answer: Which Tyler
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