This from Ithuriel...
In a press release hailing the new one train a day 'Flying Adonis' Edinburgh-London service, East Coast Managing Director Karen Boswell said:
“East Coast’s fantastic new locomotive and service writes an exciting new chapter in the 149-year history of the Flying Scotsman."
Er Karen, it's a 23 year old loco tarted up with some flashy vinyls.
But no doubt your political masters and ill informed stakeholders will fall for the line that it is new.
UPDATE: This from Neversholt...
We have spent a small fortune upgrading and updating the Class 91s.
They are now even better than new. Now can I have my large cheque please?
UPDATE: This from Almost Traction...
And we have made a lot of the bits that our valued client has bought.
UPDATE: And this, unsurprisingly, from Captain Deltic...
Money wasted on a name plate that should read John Dowling
UPDATE: This from Steve Strong...
I hear that yesterday's inaugural run was late into King's Cross by 2m 35s - held up by East Coast's sole service from Hull.
Perhaps better to leave such complicated non-core services to Hull Trains?
We Buy Any Bus Dot Com
3 weeks ago