At last some good news from Derby!
The local Labour party won an award at conference this week for being the best campaigning party in the country.
This was in recognition of its continuing campaign to save the UK's last rolling stock manufacturer and in recognition of the parliamentary petition, organised by Derby North MP Chris Williamson, which secured well over 50,000 signatures.
No doubt Petrol-head will be on-hand next week to open an envelope revealing a similar accolade from the Tories?
UPDATE: This from Rose Hill...
Remember earlier this year when DfT were concerned that the UK's studious compliance with EU rules was putting British companies at a disadvantage?
Well it seems like the fears were unfounded.
The UK is, after all, just as non compliant as the rest.
Witness yesterday's statement below, bringing us into line with 24 other member states:
"The European Commission has launched infringement proceedings against France and the United Kingdom over their failure to implement legislation to open the market for rail services in the Channel Fixed Link. Compliance with EU legislation will contribute to more competition, which will lead to better services and prices for passengers and freight traffic."
What a relief.
We Buy Any Bus Dot Com
3 weeks ago