Hot on the heels of DB Arriva's take-over of Grand Central, this from the RMT...
RAIL UNION RMT revealed today that rail workers are being told to take German lessons as part of their training course for operating new track equipment...
Rail staff on a recent course in Kent were told that they had to learn a series of German phrases relating to instructions on track equipment. RMT says that it would be simpler and safer to get the equipment re-programmed with a translation into English rather than placing the responsibility to learn German on the workforce but the union believes it is all about money.
Phrases that form part of the course, and which workers are to be tested on include:
Kdo abgew AZGR ANFORD Grund BETRIEBLICH - Reset requested but not carried out due to section being clear
UARTFEHLER - Receiver / transmitter fault - corrupted data message
VERBINDUNGSAUSFALL - Connecting failure
We are all German now.
UPDATE: This from Steve Strong...
Or Spanish!
As according to The Times today the siesta monkeys at RENFE are sniffing around Go-Ahead.
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