This from National Express...
Elaine Holt to join National Express
We are delighted to announce that Elaine Holt will be joining us from early January as a Bid Director in the Rail team.
Elaine brings a wealth of industry experience to National Express. As well as her most recent position as Chief Executive of Directly Operated Railways and Chairman of East Coast Main Line Company Limited, she has previously been Managing Director of First Capital Connect, held senior positions across First Group and spent 13 years at British Airways.
Elaine's appointment demonstrates our continued determination to assemble a very strong bid team to allow us to compete for upcoming franchises.
Suggestions that NatEx intends to exit rail appear somewhat premature...
UPDATE: This from a Mr Tony Miles...
TFC, you're losing your touch!
This would have made a much better headline:
"National Express calls Holt to rail franchising!"
We Buy Any Bus Dot Com
3 weeks ago