This from the Transport Select Committee...
Tuesday 13 March 2012
The Transport Committee will be taking oral evidence from Network Rail’s Chief Executive, David Higgins on Tuesday 13 March at 10.05 am, followed by witnesses from the Office of Rail Regulation.
Announcing the session Louise Ellman, Transport Committee Chair, said:
“Network Rail must be accountable to Parliament for the performance of the railway, safety, information for passengers, planning for new projects, and costs. We will pursue these issues and also find out what the rail regulator has done to improve Network Rail’s performance.”
Please check our website nearer the time for the location and full witness details.
Perhaps the TSC might also like to invite Ms Greening to this session, so that she can explain what convinced her to oppose NR's Management Incentive Plan at such a late stage in the process?
UPDATE: This from Sir Humphrey Beeching...
I am sure no one would dream of asking the First Division to provide a sacrificial lamb, so as to spare ministerial blushes.
Why, the very thought is preposterous.
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3 weeks ago