This from Sue La Manche
The first TGV to visit St Pancras carried not passengers but parcels, as a demonstration of the potential for high speed freight on high speed rail.
Next stop, Birmingham in errr... 2026?!?
So much for just in time delivery.
UPDATE: This from a Mr Rabid Burns...
I note with some surprise that the usual tests for electromagnetic interference, turning cows inside out, boiling brains and scaring pigeons have not taken place.
In fact, bold as brass, it flew through Kent in broad daylight.
Does this mean that we will now be inundated with TGV's, Thalys and the like, just so that the DfT can prove how the virtual IEP is a better train? (Shurely shome mishtake! Ed).
I think we should be told.
UPDATE: This from Dreadnought...
The reason that the usual tests for "electromagnetic interference, turning cows inside out, boiling brains and scaring pigeons" did not take place is that the unit was hauled up HS1 at a "steady" pace (somewhat lower than line speed) by 2 of Eurotunnel's diesels.
A nifty bit of shunting at SPI in the small hours saw the diesels retreat, leaving the TGV on its own in the platform.
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