Sources suggesting that Richard Brown was appointed directly by Patrick McLoughlin rather than being selected by Marsham Street mandarins.
Clearly, in Derbyshire at least, blood is thicker than water.
Indeed there is a growing view that Brown may even be prepared to rock the boat with his report.
We shall see.
Meanwhile those interested in making constructive contributions to the review may do so via:
Alternatively, you can post correspondence to:
The Brown Review
Hercules House
Hercules Road
Eye readers will be reassured to see that the SE1 address means contributions are unlikely to be opened by purveyors of the failed franchising orthodoxy.
UPDATE: This from The Spirit of Dark and Lonely Water...
Mr Brown at Hercules House?
This used to be the home of the late lamented Central Office of Information – the body that once delivered government advice with less of nudge and more of a supportive hand on the shoulder, whilst the other was firmly clamped on the nads.
Meanwhile I greatly enjoyed Gwyn Topham's story in today’s Grauniad, which accurately reflects what the RDG 'privately told the man shaping the future of franchising'.
Does Eye have any idea qui bono?
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