This from Judge Nutmeg...
The European Commission has today announced that it is taking proceedings against the UK and French Governments over their failure to comply with European railway law in the structure and regulation of the Channel Tunnel.
In particular, the Commission is concerned that this non-compliance is causing prices for passengers and freight customers to be too high.
No doubt this will be strongly opposed by the Governments, and long protracted court cases will follow.
Of course, if the European single market was working properly, one could rely on competitive powers to control prices; in this case competition from the alternative mode, cross channel ferries.
The same ferries in fact that the Competition Regulator has just banned Eurotunnel from buying, with multiple legal cases also heading to court.
The benefits of EU Membership for the Legal Profession can surely not be doubted even by Monsieur Farage and Co.
We Buy Any Bus Dot Com
3 weeks ago