This from a Mr Antonio Kilometer...
From Southern’s press release last week about its winter timetable...
are two last Monday to Saturday trains which will leave earlier than in
the previous timetable. These are the 23:47 London Victoria to Horsham
service which will leave Victoria
at 23.40 and the 23.49 London Victoria to Oxted service which will
leave Victoria at 23.47. The early departure of these services will
allow Network Rail to carry out vital maintenance and minor repairs
overnight on the Brighton Main Line. This frees up track
access on Sundays so that three services per hour between Victoria and
Brighton can now be maintained all year round.”
I make that an extra 2 minutes a night for NR to carry out all this
“vital maintenance and minor repair” work - that will keep the route
open all day on Sunday.
Network Rail is to be congratulated on achieving such dramatic efficiencies well in advance of CP5.
We Buy Any Bus Dot Com
3 weeks ago