Unusually, serving Rail Minister, Tom Harris, elected to discuss transport on his now infamous blog.
What caused Tom to bend his own unwritten rule was the ruminations of a mad Vulcan to which he felt compelled to respond.
The posting proved an immediate hit with readers commenting in droves with thoughts of their own.
Needless to say both Captain Deltic and The Fact Compiler shoved their ha'p'orth in, to greater or lesser effect.
So excited became the debate over whether additional trains or new track would increase capacity (the answer is of course both) that Paul Bigland, the industry's very own 'Pictographer Royal', felt compelled to post.
The brave Snapper even signed off with:
"Of course, further electrification would allow greater fleet utilisation too..."
Of course extending the Pendolino network would also allow Snapper to recharge camera batteries on even longer distance assignments!
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3 weeks ago