It would appear that The Fact Compiler is not alone in being irked by fatuous railway announcements.
A Railway Eye regular has been in contact to bemoan the decline in the quality of announcements at Derby station.
"Only last week" he moans "my ear drums were assaulted by the following phrase:
'The xxxx train will be delayed here for half an hour awaiting an essential member of staff.'
"Of course he's bloody essential, with stiff penalties for late running most TOCs barely wait for passengers let alone non-essential members of staff.
So if they mean "driver" or "guard" why not just say so?
Quite right Mr Westmount, but of course the essential member of staff may not be traincrew!
In these financially straitened times, with rising fuel costs, shares collapsing and banks failing it may be that Network Rail is only allowing trains to depart if the TOC Finance Director turns up with cheque book in hand.
A state of affairs not unknown to some of those in the charter train community.
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