Using your skill and judgement spot the difference between these two quotes:
Iain Coucher: "Network Rail is ready to unleash the biggest expansion since the age of Brunel."
Andrew Lezala: "Brunel left his mark imprinted on our lives in numerous ways... the Herculean task that we are undertaking at Metronet might even be comparable."
Then in no more than 500 words explain why they received completely different treatment by the Evening Standard.
UPDATE: This from Ithuriel...
Actually Brunel didn't build a lot of railway when compared with the Stephensons and Locke. And five years before his death the total railway network amounted to only 6,000 miles - half today's route mileage.
Perhaps Iain Coucher should take George Hudson as his exemplar if he and his spinmeisters are trying to revive railway mania in the 21st Century ?
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