Telegrammed by our Independent Expert
Vanished Victoriana - The mystery deepens.
Regular Eye readers may recall how, just before Christmas, Network Rail bulldozers mysteriously blitzed the splendid Victorian buildings of north London's Primrose Hill station on the eve of a campaign by local residents to get it reopened.
What happened to the splendid Victorian ironwork, worth thousands in the railwayana or architectural salvage markets?
Was it flogged down the pub?
Is it adorning someone's back garden?
Now the current issue of the local paper, the Camden New Journal, reports that local MP "Big Frank" Dobson is getting involved.
Dobbo is seeking more information about the debacle. Who authorised the demolition? Who in Transport for London was consulted? Why were local people, ignored? Where has all the heritage gone?
It's not just Dobbo and the locals who are seeking answers.
The incoming Tory government have got NR and its unaccountable ways in their gunsights.
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